ORCID offers a long-lasting digital identification called an ORCID iD that belongs to you and is under your control. This unique identifier sets you apart from other researchers and enables you to associate it with your professional details such as affiliations, grants, publications, peer reviews, and other relevant information.
For comprehensive details about ORCID and instructions on linking your ORCID iD to NIH and NSF systems, please explore the library's website:
Via the Library's membership subscription, The University of Idaho is a member organization of ORCID, and our partnership allows UI researchers to connect their ORCID accounts with their UI accounts to permit the sharing of scholarly information between the systems.
Connecting these systems will reduce the workload on you and on staff who manage research data systems.
Click the button above to connect your ORCID iD to the University of Idaho, or to create and connect an ORCID iD if you do not already have one.
If you create a new ORCID iD after being directed to the ORCID registration site, you will be re-directed to your new ORCID account and NOT the University of Idaho integration page. You will still need come back to this site after registration and click the button above to link your ORCID iD to the University of Idaho.
By authorizing the University of Idaho's ORCID integration, you are allowing a group of librarians and research office staff members the ability to:
This will allow those with access to update your research funding and affiliations data in university systems by pulling down information from ORCID and to update your ORCID iD with research funding and affiliations data from VERAS and other research data systems on campus.
Allowing this permission is especially important for those participating in sponsored funding proposals and projects that require digital persistent identifiers or persistent identifiers (DPIs or PIDs) and/or Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) Biosketch data. Note that many federal agencies are pursuing DPI/PID requirements per the implementation guidance from the Office of Science and Technology Policy to meet the standards set out in the National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33).